This is a collection of cat posts from FaceBook group Twin Peaks CatPosting. The ones I didn't make are credited to the person who posted (or created) the photo. If I used a members cat, I'll give the member's name.
Credit: Amanda Flaig
From April Oelwein
The Evil of Men by April Oelwein
Doug McCauslend's kitty, Mr. Jackpot, cheering the casino lady on.
The Homecoming Queen starring Cynthia Mella's cat Pookie
Isabella Fortin's Cat waiting for a damn fine cup of coffee.
Simon Ramshaw's Cat has fallen in love with Jane-E
Monte (April Oelwein) Keeping Ed Company
"Always Been Cool" James Hurley with a new kitten friend.
Maude as Señorita Dibo
(Reanna Matronic & James Lott)
The kitties came to play with Sonny-Jim on his new gym set.
Martina Reichert's Cat with the Log Lady.
Long Cat
Maude (Reanna Matronic & James Lott)
Created by Rob Weeks
Another on from Rob Weeks that I wish I had done
. . . and another.
Wally Brando at the Roadhouse after hours
My kitty Tiguex
Señorita Dibo and her cat
No kitty, don't go into the Vortex
The Coffee Guy finds it easier to just carry Dougie Coop from place to place.
Lucy the Receptionist
The three incarnations of Phillip Jeffries
The Pale White Cat

Tammy, Albert and the under appreciated FBI agent Cyndy Lou Kitten. The FBI had been watching her ever since she first learned to use the litter box.

The Coffee Guy finds it easier to just carry Dougie Coop from place to place.
Lucy the Receptionist
The three incarnations of Phillip Jeffries
The Pale White Cat
Photo on Laura Palmer's Wall in TP:FWM

Kitty Dreams of Golden Balls
"I'll East You"
One of my first attempts to use GIMP
Free all the lodge kitties
The Jones family waiting for Dougie to come back to them.
Gordon Welcomes Special Agent FBI Cat to the Blue Rose Task Force
Shironeko's Dance 
Audrey's Dance