I'm cybergata or as my birth certificate says, Nancy Louise López. I generally prefer Nancy Lucía López. I started out as being gato, male cat, on local bbs with chats in the early 90s, but when it became time for me to get my own domain, I preferred being a female cat on-line, so cybergata.com and cybergata came into being.
When blogs first showed up on the Net, I didn't see any reason to have one. I have my own domain and my site reflects who I am, so a blog seemed redundant. I occasionally read my cousin Robert Baca's Genealogy Blog or Democracy for New Mexico (oh BTW, DFM is worth visiting just for the daily photo of Taos), but beyond that, I just haven't really become a blog reader. Now my husband, he has to visit his science blogs every day, and some political blogs like Common Dreams.
So that leads to the question, why is there a blog named cybergata? Well, maybe someday when I'm retired, I'll sit down everyday and share my thoughts with anyone who just happens to stumble across CyBeRGaTa. There are plenty of topics I could write about like all the things I've learned about teaching Middle School after thirty plus years of doing so. Or New México History, now there is a topic I can talk on and on about. Or Genealogy, and my fascinating search for people who made all of us in my family look so different from each other.
Honestly, while I'm still teaching, I just don't have the time or energy to keep up a blog. OK, Ok, I can be a flake and forget to write for a year or two. AND YES, I haven't answered my own question. I created CyBeRGaTa because cybergata is my name on the Net. I never have problems registering & using my online name because no one else use to use it. Then on YouTube I couldn't use my own online name because someone else was using it. How dare they! I had to use theoriginalcybergata. So, just in case I do finally have the time to be a Blogger, I will have no problems using my own online persona.
So Until that day, you can find me at http://cybergata.com/. That page is in need of an update, so it might be better to go to http://cybergata.com/sitemap.htm. If you want animated web graphix of CATS, lots and lots of cats, you'll find it there. Or Hippie/Grateful Dead Graphix, photos of Albuquerque, old New México Postcards, New México Genealogy (I also have done a lot of work on my New England Ancestors), web page making tidbits & helpers and links and other photos, that is where I put it all.
The possibility of sticking up some of my favorite new links I've found or favorite YouTubes to share, might be reason enough to have a blog.
So here is one of my favorite YouTubes - Otters In Love
And for teachers everywhere:
And one by Sparx. Chrintina Sánchez was a former student in my class at the school I teach at.
Now for some links:
Periodic table of Criminal Elements
Go Left TV
My Favorite Online Religious Group
My favorite forum and general news gathering place
My favorite and the worlds best internet browser
Colores Episode about NM History