Move over SadKeanu. Move aside PrancingCera. There is a new meme strutting its way into Memedom. StruttingLeo looks confident that he can gain the popularity that PrancingCera and SadKeanu have enjoyed. There is a new website, FuckYeahStruttingLeo, dedicated to him as well.
I added StruttingLeo to my other
2 Memes I made into one photo.
Another one I made
Badger, Badger, SNAKE, Badger, Badger, mushroom, mushroom, LEO, LEO, STRUTTING, STRUTTING
Here is an exploitable StruttingLeo
if you want to make your own compilation:
Check out the wonderful Strutting Leo creations by people on Buzzfeed.
hahahahahaha my friened told me about this i like the pun very *_witty_* lol