FaceBook is so addictive. I originally joined at the beginning of last summer because I heard that information about my
Santa Fé High School 40th year
class of 1971 Reunion information would be found there. First I found my close friends who I've known since our days of talking about Northern Exposure on Prodigy about 19 years ago. Then I found friends from alt.showbiz.gossip followed by so many of my very favorite former students. It only took about a month to have me totally hooked.
Sometime in January, a new group formed called "
YOU KNOW YOU'RE "OLD SCHOOL SANTA FE" WHEN..." When photos of "Old Santa Fé" started to appear, I knew I had to add my own collection. 1000s of photos began to appear. Here is a collection of some of my favorites from even "older school" than I am. I'm not sure where these photos originated, who deserves credit for them or even when or where they were taken.

1846 Map of Santa Fe

Map of Santa Fe 1882

East San Francisco Street on the Plaza before 1866

Curiosity Shop, on the left side, later called the Old Curio Shop

Curio Shop on West San Francisco Street
Earliest photo above and later below

Photo taken 9 Oct 2006 by Matt Bennett

San Miguel Mission

San Miguel Mission & St. Michael's College

San Miguel Mission

Loretto Academy

Palace of the Governors

Across the Street from the Cathedral

Sena Plaza cir. 1919


Bridge Street

Palace Hotel

Saint Vincent Hospital

The Capital Building with St. Michael's College in the Foreground

Denver and Rio Grande Railroad Depot with New West
Academy building on right located on Garfield St., cir 1917

San Francisco Street cir. 1900

Catron Building on the Plaza

Scottish Rite Temple

West San Francisco Street

De Vargas Hotel

Palace Ave & Lincoln Street

La Fonda

West Plaza

South Side of the Plaza

S.W. Side of the Plaza

South Plaza

Sena Plaza on Palace Ave.

Water Street & Cerrillos Road
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